Exhibitors 2015
![]() | AerogeophysicaGNPP Aerogeophysica is a leading Russian company and one of world leaders in the area of providing airborne geophysical services. Every year, in Russia and abroad, GNPP Aerogeophysika carries up to 400,000 linear km of high resolution airborne geophysical surveys at various scales. The company possesses a large arsenal of the most modern airborne geophysical equipment:
![]() | AlmazgeoburAlmazgeobur LLC delivers complimentary drilling equipment and components for exploration companies. We are the official distributor for companies such as: Our company delivers all over Russia and CIS. Thanks to availability of warehouses in Moscow and Khabarovsk the collaboration becomes efficient and mutually profitable. |
![]() | ALS MineralsALS Geochemistry is the global leader in the provision of analytical data services to the mining and exploration sectors. With over 60 locations around the world we are able to provide consistent, swift, productive and reliable service to our clients. ALS Geochemistry recognises that mining company corporate wealth is tied to the estimation of mineral resources and that quality assays is of paramount importance to protecting assets. Our analytical laboratories are certified and registered in each region with global application of standard procedures and audits to maintain standard practice throughout the laboratory network. Our network is linked together internally by our Global LIMS (GEMS) and for our clients using the state-of-the-art Webtrieve™ system, which allows our clients to view location, status and data for their projects. |
![]() | Amur MineralsAmur Minerals LLC was formed and registered in Khabarovsk in May 2005. The owner of Amur Minerals LLC (interest 100%) is “Khabarovsk Minerals LLC” (before February 2011 named “Phelps Dodge Khabarovsk, LLC”. At present the owners of “Khabarovsk Minerals LLC” and, consequently, of Amur Minerals LLC, are foreign companies:
The company owns two licenses on prospecting, exploration and mining bedrock gold, copper and accompanying components: HAB 02018 BR (Malmyzh ore field) granted in 2006 for 20 years and HAB 02334 BR (Northern Malmyzh prospect) granted in 2010 for 20 years. On the whole, the licenses characterize the same ore-bearing structure. As a result of the license area prospecting there is identified a big copper porphyry ore system, on the plan representing a NE linearly elongated structure about 16 km long with the width up to 6-8 km. At the current stage it is regarded as the same big deposit, in which there are identified targets with mineralization of variable intensity. The sizes of the targets are from 0,2-0,3 km2 to 3-4 km2. The areas of mineralized (ore) stockworks: from the first hundred sq m to 1,8 km2. Four big ore targets (Central, Flats, Valley, and Freedom) and ten smaller ore targets are identified at the deposit. Ore mineralization is classified as gold-copper porphyry industrial type of large-scale stockwork lodes. The TEO of temporary exploration conditions and estimate of reserves of copper and gold of categories C1+C2 for four industry-significant ore targets of Malmyzh deposit was prepared on the grounds of evaluation works. For smaller ore targets an estimate of inferred resources of category P1 was given. The TEO and estimate of reserves of copper and gold for Malmyzh deposit were approved by the State Commission on Mineral Reserves in the authors’ variant (Minutes #4163-op of April 10, 2015, approved on 05/15/2015). On balance economic reserves of categories C1+C2 made: ore – 1261 mln t; copper – 5156,4 Kt, with average grade – 0,41%; gold – 278098,2 kg, with average grade – 0,21 g/t. Off-balance non-economic reserves of categories C1+C2: ore – 129,2 mln t; copper – 477,7 Kt, with average grade – 0,37%; gold – 19722,2 kg, with average grade – 0,15 g/t. |
![]() | ArtGeoArtGeo supplies and delivers State-of-the-Art Geodetic equipment, services and software. Main Business Offerings are: • Riegl 3D Innovation: Airborne, Terrestrial, Mobile and Industrial Laser Scanners Training, support and services are delivered from Artgeo’s modern service center in Moscow. Artgeo develops dealers network and partners relationships in regions of Russia and CIS. |
![]() | Auriant MiningAuriant Mining AB (AUR) is a Swedish junior mining company focused on gold exploration and production in Russia, primarily in Zabaikalye and the Republics of Khakassia and Tyva. The company has currently four assets, including two operating mines (Tardan and Solcocon) and two early stage exploration assets, one of which, Kara-Beldyr, is a joint venture with the major Canadian gold producer Centerra Gold. The group’s mineral licenses are estimated to contain almost 1,000,000 troy ounces of gold reserves according to the Russian standards (GKZ). Auriant Mining´s shares are trading on First North Premier at the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange under the short name AUR. |
![]() | Bombardier Transportation (Signal) LtdEstablished in 1996, the Bombardier Transportation (Signal) Ltd joint venture with RZD focuses on the implementation of EBI Lock 950 Computer-Based Interlocking systems. Today, with a workforce of more than 250 employees, the company provides services for the whole lifecycle of the EBI Lock 950 CBI system from project design to operation and maintenance. Bombardier Transportation (Signal) was the first company certified to deliver the latest generation of advanced signalling equipment adapted to the technical requirements of RZD and its products continue to meet the latest national standards. The JV has now successfully implemented state-of-the-art interlocking systems at over 250 stations in Russia and beyond, controlling more than 6,000 point machines, 1200 km of automatic line-blocks and 500 km of lines equipped with RBTC. |
![]() | ContiTechContiTech division relates to the world’s leading suppliers of technical elastomer products and is a specialist in plastics technology. ContiTech develops and produces functional modules, components and systems for mechanical engineering and instrument making, mining, automotive industry and other important industries. In 2014, the company ContiTech, together with the associated at the beginning of 2015 the American company Veyance Technologies Inc. achieved a turnover of about 5.4 billion euros (formally). Currently, the Group has about 41,000 employees in 34 countries. |
![]() | Dassault Systèmes GEOVIA RUSAs part of Dassault Systèmes, GEOVIA provides 3DEXPERIENCE® Universes to Model and Simulate our Planet from the vast expanse of the geosphere to the smallest details of urban settlements. GEOVIA is home to world-renowned mining solutions including Surpac, GEMS, Minex, Whittle, MineSched, PCBC, Hub and InSite. For more information, visit www.3ds.com/GEOVIA. Dassault Systèmes, the 3DEXPERIENCE Company, provides business and people with virtual universes to imagine sustainable innovations. Its world-leading solutions transform the way products are designed, produced, and supported. Dassault Systèmes’ collaborative solutions foster social innovation, expanding possibilities for the virtual world to improve the real world. The group brings value to over 190,000 customers of all sizes, in all industries, in more than 140 countries. For more information, visit www.3ds.com. CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, ENOVIA, DELMIA, SIMULIA, GEOVIA, EXALEAD, 3D VIA, 3DSWYM, BIOVIA, NETVIBES, 3DEXCITE are registered trademarks of Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiaries in the US and/or other countries. |
![]() | DATAMINEDATAMINE is a world leading provider of the technology and services required to seamlessly plan and manage mining operations. With operations in thirteen countries, DATAMINE provides solutions ranging from exploration data management and orebody modelling to mine planning and operations to over 1,400 companies worldwide. Our software solutions integrate with our consulting and training services to ensure that we provide our clients with industry-leading support and expertise. |
![]() | Deloitte
Deloitte CIS is one of the leading international professional services firms that offers audit, consulting, corporate finance, enterprise risk, and tax and legal services leveraging professional experience of approximately 2,500 employees in 18 offices of 11 countries across the region. This year, Deloitte celebrates 25 years in Russia. We opened our office in Moscow in 1990. Reflecting back, and looking forward to the future, we maintain a long-term perspective and seek to make an impact that matters for our people, clients and society. Today, Deloitte has offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Yekaterinburg and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in Russia, Kyiv in Ukraine, Minsk in Belarus, Tbilisi in Georgia, Baku in Azerbaijan, Aktau, Almaty, Astana and Atyrau in Kazakhstan, Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan, Tashkent in Uzbekistan, Dushanbe in Tajikistan, Ashgabat in Turkmenistan and Yerevan in Armenia. Find out more at www.deloitte.com |
![]() | Eastern Drilling Company (FORACO)Eastern Drilling Company (EDC) – one of the largest Russian mineral drilling company. EDC is a subsidiary of FORACO International (3rd largest global mineral driller operating 308 rigs on 5 continents in 23 countries, having 51 years of experience and 2,200+ employees). EDC provides a broad variety of drilling services for mineral resources: diamond drilling, deep directional drilling with wedges, reverse circulation, air core drilling, large diameter drilling (up to 30” in diameter for exploration, bulk sampling, ventilation and backfilling holes, etc.), deep water well and dewatering drilling. EDC fleet includes proprietary and technically innovative rigs, new Boart Longyear rigs and RC rigs, and other modern equipment for all kinds of exploration work (CAT dozers, camps etc.). We have experience bringing unique rigs into Russia from the global FORACO fleet for special drilling tasks. EDC has subsidiaries in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan with all the necessary drilling licenses. Eastern Drilling Company specializes in providing high-quality exploration services in compliance with international standards and best-in-class safety and environmental practices. We have extensive experience performing difficult projects in extreme climate conditions, in highly remote areas and terrains. Our ability to deliver high-quality drilling services on time, and on budget, is our key success factor. |
![]() | EYEY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY works together with companies across the CIS and assists them in realizing their business goals. 4,800 professionals work at 21 CIS offices (in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Togliatti, Vladivostok, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Bishkek, Baku, Kyiv, Donetsk, Tashkent, Tbilisi, Yerevan, and Minsk). EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com. |
![]() | FGUP VIMSFederal State Unitary Enterprise”All-Russian Research Instituteof Mineral Resources.Named after N.M.Fedorovski(FGUP VIMS) is the leading organizationof the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russiaand the Federal Agencyfor Subsoil Usein geology for study ofthe mineral resource base, scientific and methodological workonthe forecast,exploration and evaluation ofuranium deposits as well as rare kinds of ferrous, alloy, non-ferrous and other rare metals and development and improvementof complexmineralogical andanalytical methods for studyof mineral raw materials and technologies for their enrichment and processing. The Institute acts as the Federal Researchand Methodological Center fortesting and certificationof minerals on behalf ofRussianMinistry of Natural Resources, as well as Interdepartmental Scientific Councilon Analytical(NSAM), mineralogical(NSOMMI) andtechnological (NSOMTI) research methods. FGUP VIMSprovides organizational support of theCentralCommission of the Federal Agencyfor Subsoil Usefor miningof solid minerals (CCR-RosnedraTPI). Togetherwith the Department ofGeology of Mineral Deposits of GOU VPO “Russian State Geological Prospecting Universitynamed after Sergo Ordzhonikidze”FGUP VIMS formed aresearch and educational center”Geology, mineralogyand geochemistry.” The activities of the institute arefocused on developmentof the mineral resourcebase of the country-the basis of itsindustrial, energy, military and economic potentials |
![]() | FORGEOCompany FORGEO is a distributor of diamond core drilling tools, equipment and supportive tools manufactured by the Canadian company FORDIA. FORDIA is a synonym for quality products and technical innovations. All products of FORDIA are always in stock at our warehouses in Khabarovsk and Saint-Petersburg. |
![]() | FSUE TsNIGRIFederal State Unitary Enterprise Central Research Institute of geological prospecting for base and precious metals (FSUE TsNIGRI) 129-1VarshavskoyeShosse FSUE TsNIGRI provides:
![]() | GeoJet ExplorationService Exploration Company GeoJet Exploration features necessary qualifications for planning and implementation of the full spectrum of exploration in mineral deposits for solid resources required for a subsoil user and an investor for project development at its any stage. The mission of our Company is the adaptation of effective exploration methods to technological cycle of exploration for mining industry demands. Sustainable development of the Company and advanced geophysical technologies is ensured by the operation of Proprietary Design Bureau, strong collaborative relationship with Divisions of the Russian Academy of Sciences on geophysics as well as practical experience of completed projects on various types of deposits around the globe. |
![]() ![]() | Geominera, SAGeominera, SA is a Cuban commercial state owned company. It was incorporated in August 1993 to attract foreign investors and establish joint ventures for the exploitation and commercialization of Cuban mineral deposits and to contribute to national development. Develops parallel providing Technical Services Professionals in the field of Geology and Mining, highly competitive and profitable, with proven international experience. It has been present in projects in countries in America and Africa may cover all stages of a turnkey project from the geological projection, execution of all field activities (Geology, Topography, Geophysics, Drilling, tillage miners, etc.) analysis of samples in laboratories, information processing, evaluation of reserve deposits, to engineering and Technical Feasibility Study – Economic investment potential for the exploitation of resources. With over fifteen years of presence in the domestic and international markets, Geominera SA has strengthened systematically and consistently in line with its business development strategy aimed at attracting new partners to invest in Cuba and potential customers in Cuba and abroad interested Geologists in mining services. For their activities it has hundreds of highly qualified professionals in different disciplines: geologists, geophysicists, surveyors, miners, drillers, with preparation to work in any geological environment how difficult it is. This activity supports the presence of engineers in Metallurgy, Chemical, Mechanical and Electric, with experience in processing and exploitation of minerals. Also it has great strength in salt production from the stage of engineering, construction of complete plants and assembly, commissioning and operation of salt. |
![]() | Geotech Ltd.Geotech is the world’s leading airborne geophysical survey company and is a full service company in helicopter and fixed wing geophysics offering high end technical services in the fields of unique active and passive electromagnetic methods (VTEM, ZTEM, AIRMT), state of the art gravity, high sensitivity magnetics and the most advanced radiometric systems. Geotech’s team has decades of experience in planning and executing successful airborne geophysical surveys throughout the world. Geotech is well recognized for high-end airborne geophysical surveys for around 35 years and has been an innovator in the design and application of detailed airborne geophysical surveys offering the most advanced exploration platforms available in the World market today. We are committed to continuous improvement of existing systems and invention of new technologies. Geotech owns and operates an Aviation company (Geotech Aviation) with a world-wide fleet of helicopters and fixed wing aircrafts. |
![]() | GEPART, LLCLLC “GEPART” is a new company, but it has been founded on the basis of successful and effective experience that has been made for many years by cooperative work of geologists and geophysicists of “old school” and young professionals. Main objectives: Our values: Optimization Actuality Result |
![]() | IMC MontanIMC Montan is an independent international mining consultancy and one of the leading consulting companies in mining sector of Russia. The Group also includes such companies as DMT GmbH & Co. (Germany), WYG Plc. (UK). IMC Montan successfully operating in Russia and the CIS since 1992. Since then the company implemented over 400 projects for Russian and international mining companies, investors and banks. IMC Montan is a recognized technical consultant and sector expert; its opinion is respected by analytical agencies, financial institutions and Russian state surveillance bodies. The range of the Company consulting services covers all solid minerals, all types of deposits and full cycle of the mine life. Disciplines covered by the Company services include reserve audit in compliance with international standards, technical and technological consulting, feasibility studies, higher labour productivity or core business production build-up justification, engineering services. |
![]() | INTEH LTDINTEH LTD manufactures spare parts and interchangeable equipment for crushing-reduction, milling and excavation machines of major mining companies of the Russian Federation. One of the company’s profiles is fabrication of interchangeable equipment and quick wearing spare parts with extended service life intended for mining shovel machines:
The company designs and produces interchangeable equipment and spare parts with due regard for specific operation conditions of each customer. |
![]() | IrgiredmetIRGIREDMET provides R&D expertise, testwork and process optimization for precious and base metals and diamonds. The activities range from initial investigations to process development and design, construction and commissioning of industrial mines and plants. Working closely with clients and in conjunction with engineering partners, Irgiredmet supplies a flexible package of technology for process development and optimization. We offer a full range of sophisticated facilities for sample preparation and characterization, gravity, flotation, physical separation, smelting, leaching, purification and metals recovery, tails detoxification etc. Our key customers are: Polyus Gold International Limited, GV Gold, Petropavlovsk PLC, Severstal, Uzhuralzoloto Group of Companies (UGC) JSC, Russdragmet, ALROSA Joint Stock Company, Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat State Company, Group of companies “Amur”, Sovrudnik. |
![]() | Kinross Gold CorporationKinross Gold is a Canadian-based gold mining company with mines and projects in Russia, the United States, Brazil, Chile, Ghana and Mauritania, employing approximately 9,000 people worldwide. Kinross has been present in Russia since 1995 and to date is the largest foreign investor in Russia’s gold mining industry. Main Kinross assets in Russia: Kupol mine (“Chukotka Mining and Geological Company”) and Dvoinoye mine (“Northern Gold”), both located in Chukotka. Kinross maintains listings on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol: K) and the New York Stock Exchange (symbol: KGC). |
![]() | LeapfrogLeapfrog® is 3D geological modelling solutions for the mining, hydrogeology and geothermal energy industries. Leapfrog is setting the standard in geological modelling. It creates the time and opportunity to reduce geological risk for both the users and their organisations. |
![]() | MICROMINEMICROMINE is a leader on Russian market in developing and selling software solutions for exploration and mining industries including the entire production circle. MICROMINE holds a leading position in Russia as a modular solution of full cycle that allows explorative and mining companies substantially increase productivity. The Geobank system creates a flexible and efficient environment for collection, verification and storage data. Geobank Mobile facilitates the work of specialists in the field conditions. The Pitram system enables to Increase production, reduce costs, and improve safety of production. MICROMINE is a consulting arm, Micromine Consulting Services delivers competent person reports compliant with international and local reporting standards. MICROMINE provides you with local support and services in your language and your time zone. |
![]() | Mineral Exploration Network (Finland)Mineral Exploration Network (Finland) ltd is prospecting company taking risks of early stages and providing drill ready gold exploration targets for JV partners. During three years since it was established MEN (Finland) explored over 500 square kilometres and discovered several mineralisation zones with strike 6-11 km. We have balanced combination of experience of traditional geological school with enthusiasm of young geologists supported by modern technologies. We believe that success of exploration is result of informed target selection and very intensive field work. Finland is the best exploration target in the world with geology similar to the leading gold producing areas, good and easy accessible geological information, perfect infrastructure and government, actively supporting mineral exploration. |
![]() | Northern Urals Exploration CompanyNorthern Urals Exploration Company carries out a range of geological exploration works of ore and non-metallic mineral deposits in the Russian Federation.The fundamental principles of the company are the most effective use of modern exploration equipment, modern drilling technologies, fast and accurate execution of the customer’s orders fully complying with their requirements for exploration.The main company’s activity is drilling operations for mineral exploration:
The company is equipped with modern drilling equipment – both Russian made and imported. Northern Urals Exploration Company fully complies with ISO 14001 standard for environmental managements systems. |
![]() ![]() | OGK GroupOGK Group is the consortium comprised of Russia’s leading exploration service companies. It provides prompt, high quality maintenance services of geological exploration with guaranteed fulfillment of contractual obligations. The Group unites a number of leading exploration service companies in the country, whose experts accumulated the experience in exploration project management over many years in this business. This country-wide business coverage allows the Group to help its customers significantly reduce their costs on mobilisation and other works, as well as ensure access to almost any necessary equipment in any quantities. The company's mission:
The company's strategy:
![]() | Pavlik Gold Ore CompanyPavlik Gold Ore Company holds a license for search, exploration and ore gold mining at Pavlik deposit, Tenkinsky District, Magadan Region of the Russian Federationv since 2007. Within 2007 – 2011 a detailed exploration of the deposit and its flanks, a considerable volume of core drilling, bulk sampling, hydrogeological, geotechnical, environmental studies and a complex of detailed geophysical works were carried out. In 2013 was prepared constant exploration conditions approved by GKZ Rosnedra with “On-Balance” reserves (C1+C2) 154.3 (t) gold. Resources of Russia P1 category estimates 61 (t) gold. Average gold grade is 5.1 g/t. Accordance with JORC, indicated resources estimates 163.5 (t) gold, inferred resources estimates 53.8 (t) gold. At the end of 2014, started mining, and in mid-2015 was the first gold production. In the near future the company intends to complete the preliminary exploration of the deposit Rodionovskoe”, Magadan region. In addition, the company exploration activities on the deposits “Burkhalinskoye”, “Shakhskoye”, “Utinskoye”. also Magadan region. |
![]() | ROSGEOROSGEO – Russian state-owned geological holding company. ROSGEO provides full service in geological exploration starting from regional scale surveys, prospecting to detailed exploration, ultradeep drilling and subsurface sites monitoring. The company possesses range of unique competences particularly in marine geology and offshore geophysical surveys. ROSGEO consolidates 38 geological enterprises based in 30 different federal subjects of Russia. Covering the entire territory of Russia ROSGEO has the capability to provide complex exploration projects throughout the country and abroad. Company’s enterprises had discovered more than 1000 deposits and oil and gas fields including giant ones like Astrakhanskoye (2.5 trillion m³ of gas), Tengiz (3.1 milliard tons of oil), Kovykta gas condensate field (1.9 trillion m³ of gas), largest gold ore field in Russia – Sukhoy Log, Kursk Magnetic Anomaly and many others. ROSGEO enterprises have long experience in implementing geological projects in foreign countries – dozens discoveries in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America. Among our clients are BP, Shevron, Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, Severstal, MMK Norilsk Nickel, Itera, NLMK, Sibuglemet and many others.
![]() | Rosgeoperspektiva Group of СompaniesRosGeoPerspektiva Group of companies specialises in a full range of exploration work and has a great wealth of experience of geological exploration of ore and non-metallic deposits. For over 18 years in the business of geological exploration RosGeoPerspektiva completed more than 50 projects in the Russian Federation and neighbouring countries. RosGeoPerspektiva cooperates with the world’s leading companies on the market of drilling equipment, and is equipped with everything required to carry out exploration works. Current clients of RosGeoPerspektiva include: – HIGHLAND GOLD MINING – Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant OJSC (CZP) – Altyntau Group of Companies (Vasilkovsky GOK JSC) – Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company OJSC (UMMC) – Timan Bauxites OJSC – North Pacific Coal Company CJSC – Ural Gold LLC – Ural Chromites LLC and many others. Our primary target is to deliver the highest quality service to meet our clients’ requirements for exploration. We are open for cooperation! |
![]() | Russian Drilling CompanyRussian Drilling Company – is a company focused on complex geological exploration for solid minerals. Our mission is «turnkey» development of existing sites and “greenfield” projects. Key components of our services are:
![]() | Russian Technologies – Global ResourcesMining engineering, metallurgy, infrastructural and oil and gas projects of the Russian Technologies – Global Resources (RT – GR) rely on a strong scientific and project database. In metallurgy and mining engineering business RT – GR based on a deep industry expertise. In the industrial design and construction the emphasis is made on scalable expertise, therefore the company’s capacity allow it to build objects of any complexity and for different purposes. The “Science, engineering and construction” include:
![]() | ScaniaScania has a long and successful history, dating back to the end of the 19th century. Since that time, the company has become one of the world’s leading manufacturers of highly productive, profitable vehicles for various haulage and special applications, construction and mining segments. Scania offers cost-effective transport solutions for various stages in mining – from exploration to site reclamation: heavy duty trucks, industrial engines and buses for personnel transport as well as wide range of connected services, e.g. flexible field workshops, consignment spare parts stocks, etc. Scania’s powerful and reliable trucks with high payload, high uptime and low fuel consumption are the result of many years of research and development. They are built to withstand the toughest operating conditions, transporting ore, coal, overburden, etc. both in open pit and underground mines always providing low operating cost per transported ton of material. Due to flexible, well-proven modular system, the trucks can be easily adapted to customer’s requirements in the environment of the particular mine to ensure high performance, safety and availability. Each Scania vehicle features high quality durable components – engine, transmission, axles, etc. with long lifetime as well as a cab with good ergonomics and high level of driver comfort. Having over 120 years of experience Scania perfectly understands the needs of customers worldwide. Taking into consideration the growing demand for equipment and services in mining segment and also peculiarities of mining industry, Scania has established a dedicated business area “Global Mining”. It has headquarters in Södertälje, Sweden and is responsible for the development of Scania business, satisfying the needs of mining customers around the world. The experts in Russian branch of Scania’s Global Mining Unit are ready to offer machinery for any application in mining industry and taking into account specific operating conditions in Russia. |
![]() | SGSSGS Vostok Limited is the Russian subsidiary of SGS S.A. and member of SGS Group, the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. Founded in 1878, SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 80’000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 1500 offices and laboratories around the world with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. |
![]() | Silver Bear Resources Inc.Silver Bear Resources Inc. (TSX: SBR) is a Canadian exploration and mining Company that is focused on the development of its wholly-owned Mangazeisky Silver Project, covering a licence area of ~570 sq. km that includes the high grade Vertikalny deposit (amongst the highest grade silver deposits in the world) located 400 km north of Yakutsk in the Republic of Sakha within the Russian Federation. Silver Bear is led by an experienced management team with a successful track record of developing and operating mines in Central Asia. The Company was granted a 20-year mining licence for the Vertikalny deposit in September 2013 and completed a Preliminary Economic Assessment in February 2014. The Feasibility Study, scheduled for completion in 2H 2015, is contracted to Tetra Tech in the UK with SRK and ERM as subcontractors for the mining and environmental studies respectively. Other information relating to Silver Bear is available on the Company’s website at www.silverbearresources.com |
![]() | SinergoSinergo is a developer of solutions for full automation of mining companies’ activities based on “1C: Enterprise”. Software “1C: Mining Industry” provides a full range of tools for accounting of extraction, manufacturing and distribution. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, based on the “1C” software, allows you to organise a single information space from primary accounting transactions to budget-setting process for mining companies’. In conjunction with powerful analytical capabilities of the software and integration with automation systems, our products can significantly improve the quality of company’s management and production efficiency. |
![]() | SRK ConsultingSRK Consulting is the world’s first one-stop consultancy offering specialist services to mining and exploration companies for the entire life cycle of a mining project from exploration through to mine closure. Among SRK Consulting’s clients are most of the world’s major and medium-sized mining houses, exploration companies, banks, audit firms and government departments. Formed in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1974, SRK now employs over 1,500 professionals in 50 permanent offices in 22 countries on six continents. In 2009 SRK Consulting opened its office in Moscow. Opening of the office in Russia has allowed SRK Consulting to provide its excellent quality technical solutions in Russian and with consideration of the existing Russian legislation in the sphere of subsoil use. SRK Consulting employs leading specialists in each field of science and engineering. Its seamless integration of services, and global base, has made the company the world’s leading practice in due diligence, feasibility studies and confidential internal reviews. |
![]() | Union of Gold Producers of RussiaUnion of Gold Producers of Russia (UGPR) – is a non-commercial organization which was founded in 1995. Among the members of the Union – companies producing precious metals and precious stones, refineries, commercial banks and engineering companies. Union of Gold Producers of Russia includes few biggest Russian gold mining companies, which annually produce about 70% of gold in Russia. The main purpose of UGPR is coordination of efforts of UGPR’s members to prepare and realize concrete actions for developing gold mining and precious metals industry in Russia, as well as lobbing interests of UGPR’s members in governmental institutions of Russian Federation. Union Initiatives on improving the legal framework of the market of precious metals and subsoil legislation are actively represented in the State Duma (parliament), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra), Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Development, the Chamber of Commerce of Russia and other state institutions. UGPR is actively defending the interests of members of the Union concerning subsoil use at the parliamentary hearings in the State Duma (parliament) and during the meetings with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. Many years, the Union of Gold Producers of Russia collects and analyzes inaccessible statistical data specialized in the production and consumption of gold, silver, platinum group metals and diamonds in Russia, which Is reflected in the annual reviews of the Union, and sending it to the relevant ministries and departments of the country. The Union also prepares and publishes quarterly reports on mining and production of gold in Russia, which include real-time data of refined gold by domestic gold mining enterprises and the Russian regions. One of the most important task of UGPR at the present stage is the attraction of long-term investments and reliable investors into Russian gold mining industry. UGPR is traditionally partnered with the Russian banking community and actively attracts new investors to the industry from investment banks, private equity funds and private investors. UGPR is working on attraction to the industry of new financial instruments (such as gold loans, etc.) and on the creation in Russia of a specialized stock exchange for small and mid-cap and so-called junior companies conducting advanced exploration works. The Union attracts to the Russian gold mining industry investors from China and other countries from South-east Asia, contributing to the dynamic growth of partnership relations between our countries. In light of the increased cooperation between China and Russia, the Union of Gold Producers has taken steps to establish relations with Chinese partners, including big commercial banks, investment companies, exchange platforms and gold mining companies. |
![]() | VNIPIpromtechnologiiVNIPIpromtechnologii OJSC is a full-service company that performs a full cycle of design and survey works as well as scientific and research works for:
Currently VNIPIpromtechnologii OJSC is an engineering subsidiary company of ARMZ Uranium Holing Co. It performs design and survey works as well as scientific and research works for both companies of the Holding and the third parties. Seeking to comply with market demands our company is actively developing itself and its competencies and discovers new areas of activity. The Institute is located in Moscow and has its own exploration base in Moscow area and a branch in the city of Chita. The company has about 400 high-quality specialists. Their working places are upgraded with the modern equipment and software. Our highly skilled specialists are capable to participate in implementation of large-scale projects of development of atomic sector and mining industry. |
![]() | Vostochnaya TechnicaVostochnaya Technica is the official Caterpillar, Sullair and Metso Minerals dealer for Western and Eastern Siberia, Yakutia and the Northern part of Russian Far East. Vostochnaya Technica represents the whole range of Caterpillar equipment. Caterpillar produces over 350 models and is the world’s best known manufacturer of mining, quarry and construction equipment, as well as machines for road construction including bulldozers, pipelayers, wheel loaders, hydraulic excavators, dump-trucks, diesel and gas-fuel generator sets, and many others. Currently Vostochnaya Technica is responsible for the biggest Caterpillar dealer territory in the world. The company has 29 branches and more than 900 employees. The head office of Vostochnaya Technica is located in Novosibirsk. |
![]() | Wardell Armstrong Group (WAI)WAI has provided the mineral industry with specialised geological, mining, processing and environmental expertise since 1987, initially as an independent company, but from 1999 as part of the Wardell Armstrong Group (WA). Our experience is worldwide and has concentrated on the metalliferous mining sector and coal. Our parent company is a mining engineering/environmental consultancy that services the industrial minerals sector from nine regional offices in the UK and international offices in Russia and Kazakhstan. Total worldwide staff complement is now in excess of 300. The Group provides a wide range of services for minerals-related projects. This ranges from preliminary exploration planning, through reserve estimation, mine design and financial appraisal, to bankable final feasibility study. WAI has a strong client list, including companies and organisations from the private and public sectors, as well as many major lending institutions. In addition, WAI has been involved in many AIM and Full Board London stock exchange listings. |
![]() | World Gold CouncilThe World Gold Council is the market development organisation for the gold industry. Our purpose is to stimulate and sustain demand for gold, provide industry leadership, and be the global authority on the gold market. We develop gold-backed solutions, services and products, based on authoritative market insight and we work with a range of partners to put our ideas into action. As a result, we create structural shifts in demand for gold across key market sectors. We provide insights into the international gold markets, helping people to understand the wealth preservation qualities of gold and its role in meeting the social and environmental needs of society. Based in the UK, with operations in India, the Far East and the US, the World Gold Council is an association whose members comprise the world’s leading gold mining companies. For more information, visit www.gold.org |
![]() | Yantai JinPeng Mining Machinery Co.Yantai JinPeng Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful Shandong Peninsula. Relying on advanced machining equipment and solid technical strength, we provide mineral processing EPC for ore with the scale of 10000t/day or below as following–mineral processing experiment, engineering design, equipment manufacturing, installation & commissioning and operator training. JinPeng Mining Machinery company obtains ISO9001:2000 international quality management system certification. Our products sell well both inside China and all over the world, such as Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kyrghyzstan, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Ecuador, Bolivia etc.
![]() | ZBO Drill Industries, Inc.ZBO Drill Industries, Inc. was founded in 1957. Today it’s an enterprise with a high-tech machining technique and a team of professionals. ZBO specializes in the production of the drilling tools and equipment for solid minerals exploration and mining. Our products are well-known throughout Russia as well as in the CIS and far abroad. A broad product portfolio includes:
For more information, visit www.zbo.ru/en |